Dr. med. Goran Stojmenovic

was born on November 10th, 1972 in Hanover. He completed his medical studies at the Georg August University in Göttingen and at the Technical University in Munich. After various positions, including in Switzerland, he has been a practicing general practitioner in the center of Munich since 2008.

In addition to the expertise in naturopathy and nutritional medicine, the focus of the practice is on functional medicine. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, with the focus on finding the cause. In his practice, Dr. Stojmenovic covers the areas of modern conventional medicine with functional medicine with the aim of understanding people holistically with all their characteristics and complaints and restoring their physical and mental health.


Functional medicine

Chronic illnesses determine our everyday practice, and the expectations of patients demand a new therapeutic approach.

This makes it even more important that we as therapists change our perspective.

Functional medicine treats the person in a holistic point of view, considering their current life situation.

The aim of the treatment is to identify and treat the cause of an illness and not the symptoms.

The focus of the treatment of our patients should include body, mind and knowledge of functional metabolic processes.

Functional medicine is a regulatory therapy. We have important regulatory systems that are responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the human body. The five regulatory systems are presented in the lecture. It will also be shown which diagnostic options are possible for examining the regulatory systems. From practiceWith functional medicine we could get a holistic view of our patients’ metabolism, by looking outside the box.A key challenge is to implement the knowledge we have learned from functional therapy into our everyday work. The laboratory results provide us with a large amount of information that has therapeutic consequences for our functional work.The lecture shows you the practical approach in functional medicine using patient cases.

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